Sunday, April 11, 2010

From Doubting to Believing

The Gospel reading today at Mass (John 20: 24-29) was about "Doubting Thomas", the apostle who refused to believe in the Resurrection until he physically saw Jesus and put his hands in the crucifixion wounds.

"The Incredulity of St. Thomas" by Caravaggio c.1601-1602

Once Jesus appeared to him and offered him the physical proof of his wounds, Thomas professed Jesus as "My Lord and my God!" and became known as "Thomas the Believer". Christ then says, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Whenever I take an honest look at my own faith and doubt, I realize the harsh truth that though I am a professed Christian, I spend far more time asking for proof rather than accepting on blind faith. I'm sure that's true for all of us.

Everytime I hear this scripture, I think of another biblical story...Mark 9:14-29 in which Jesus heals a boy who is afflicted with a spirit, which the disciples are unable to cast out. When Jesus challenges the boy's father about his lack of faith, the desperate father cries out:

"Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief!"

This seems like such a self-contradicting statement, but it is probably the most simple and earnest Christian prayer there is. Whenever you find yourself tested, say this prayer and allow yourself to believe enough to believe that God would answer this prayer.

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