Monday, August 9, 2010

Passing things on to the next generation

It's an awesome responsibility to be in a position where you can be an influence in someone's life. I don't think we ever truly realize the enormous impact our words, attitude, and actions have on those around us...especially those younger than us who might look up to us.

This past week, I started thinking about this when I was trying to come up with the perfect gift for my second cousin, Lindsay. She turned 7 yesterday. Buying gifts for people has always been a headache for me because I take it so seriously. I really dislike buying frivolous or throwaway things. A good gift should not only be enjoyable, but also have a constructive and positive value.

Thankfully, Lindsay is very smart for her age and is already reading chapter books (her current favorite is Where the Red Fern Grows for pete's sake!), so I knew a book would be the best gift.

But which book?

After much thought, I decided upon a book that engages a child's imagination, contains the most meaningful of truths, and also doesn't lose any of it's quality as the reader ages.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is also the first real book I can remember reading as a young boy, so there is a special significance in passing it on. Here is the cover of the 1970 Collier-MacMillan Edition that I read.
For Lindsay, I found a 2009 Collector's Edition reprint of the first edition complete with all the original illustrations.

I hope it gives her a lifetime of enjoyment as it has, so far, to me.

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