Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flashback - 1985, "The Move"

25 years ago today my family uprooted from our home, family, and friends in Fredericksburg, Virginia and moved down to the east coast of Central Florida.

This was one of those momentous, fork-in-the-road life events.....a big one.....and not a very popular one with me. I can't help but wonder how life would've played out differently if we hadn't moved.

We left behind our vast multitude of aunts, uncles, and cousins. We sold our shaggy "wonder mutt" of a dog, Princess to spare her the Florida heat. We lost the season of winter. We had to start all over at new schools.

All we got in return was a pool and the hurricane far as I could tell.

Of course everything happens for a purpose in God's plan. According to the scripture I posted several days ago, God disciplines those he loves as a father disciplines a son. He uses trials and challenges in our life to make us more like His perfect son. He does it because he loves us and wants the best for us. Although "the move" didn't seem or feel like it was for the best, I must trust in Him that it was.

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