Friday, May 14, 2010

God Winks: AU Jesus

So, I recently discovered (by searching the internet) that I did not invent the term "God Winks" or it's concept (apparently whole books have been written about it). However, it is kind of neat to know that other people have had enough of the same personal experiences that they too felt it warranted a name.

I have always referred to these profound moments as God winking at me, God giving me a nudge, or God giving me a sign. I've had way too many of them to chalk it up to mere coincidence.

It's like we've got this inside joke, this internal dialogue going on between us. Sometimes He uses them when I'm low and need a pick-me-up, other times as a reinforcement when I'm unsure about a course of action, and still other times merely to say "I am with you always". They come in all shapes and sizes and usually occur unexpectedly in such a way that it jolts me. They can be songs, something someone says to me, or an image or occurrence that directly speaks to what is going on in my heart or mind at that exact moment.

I am blessed enough to have actually captured my favorite "God wink" on camera (always have a camera in your car or on your person!). I took the picture in spring of 2001 on a gorgeous, sunny day. As I got into the driver's seat of my Maxima, I looked down and saw an image on the leg of my blue jeans that shone so bright, I sat there in awe for a few minutes until I registered exactly what I was seeing. Without moving my legs, I reached for my backpack in the backseat, retrieved my camera from it, and snapped a picture. The pic on the left is what I saw. The pic on the right is the upside-down look which helps reveal what it really is.

Knowing that what appeared to me to be the shadowed visage of the face of Jesus Christ was actually just the shadow thrown from the AU decal on my windshield in no way took away from the moment and the message and grace received.

The AU decal (the logo of Auburn University) had been reflected into my car before, but never before so brightly and never before so perfectly centered before me. It was the first time I saw His face in the logo, even though I had seen the Auburn logo my entire life.

It was as if He was saying "everyday you see the beauty of the sunrise, the wonder of nature, the awe of human life......I am in all of those things...See Me!"

Plus, it's just more proof of how much God loves Auburn :)

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