Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nothing "Mere" about Christianity

I finally finished reading C.S. Lewis's book, Mere Christianity the other night. I already know I will need to read it again...and again (and next time take notes). I have read his Chronicles of Narnia series countless times as both a child and an adult and marvel at how the wonder it first struck me with is still present. Why I had never before bothered to tackle any of his other works is beyond me.

The beauty of Mere Christianity is it's's not overly long or filled with complex dogmatic theories, but rather speaks to the everyman and makes the case for Christianity by using reason and common sense. The book, essentially being transcribed from several radio talks Lewis gave during WWII, is very down to earth and conversational in nature.

Mere Christianity is the book I would recommend as the primer or first read for non-believers in order to lay a groundwork for explaining what Christianity is. For believers as well.

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